该机采用双柱连杆同步转动系统,冲裁平稳性较好,可同时安装四个各系列铝门窗加工模具,不须频繁更换模具,因而提高了工作效率。 更换模具方便、快捷,是目前铝门窗加工行业的最佳选用设备。
It adopts double column link lever synchronous rotation system, which makes a good punching stability. Four different series aluminium win-door punching moulds can be installed on the machine at the same time, so there's no need to change the moulds frequently and it improves the punching efficiency accordingly. Mould replacing job can be carried out very conveniently and efficiently too. This is the best punching machine for the aluminium win-door holes processing industry